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  1. Fully accomplished and updated Child Information Sheet.
  2. Original Copy of Report Card (Form-138) with no failing grades.
  3. Three (3) pieces of 1×1 picture
  4. Signed school contract (Parents Commitment & Financial Agreement


  1. Result of assessment exam.
  2. Fully accomplished Child Information Sheet.
  3. Original Copy of Report Card(Form 138)
  4. Transcript of Records (Form-137)
  5. Recommendation form (to be accomplished by the previous school)
  6. Certificate of good moral character from the previous school
  7. Assessment Exam
  8. Photocopy of Birth Certificate (NSO Copy)
  9. Three (3) pieces of 1×1 picture
  10. Interview of both the student and parent
  11. Signed school contract (Parents Commitment & Financial Agreement)
  • Returning students of Calvary Christian School can automatically be enlisted provided they
    do not have any disciplinary and academic problems
  • Returning and new students with disciplinary and/or academic problems can still be accepted but with a probationary contract to be signed by the parents and or legal guardian. The school has the right probationary status

    A students is considered not enrolled unless set fees are paid, form filled out and requirements are submitted.